
Showing posts from November, 2020

"Christians" of today

 I have now reached a point in my life where I simply cannot any longer deal with the radical, idealistic and Christian fanatics of today. Honestly Susan, we are tired of hearing how we live in the end times. We are tired of listening to your incessant sulking, your fear generating propaganda and your close mindedness, you are the one who needs Jesus. I have a problem with the charismatic churches of today and I'm speaking from experience as I grew up in one. The pastors in these churches  have a unique and special way of conjuring up emotions amongst people and then using these sentiments, and the way people feel to their own advantage. They know that the people would now believe their doctrine because they are more susceptible to it being in such a low emotional state. These pastors are mindfully aware of which buttons to press and how to lasso the members of congregation into blindly following and accepting the his/her point of view regarding the interpretation of the specific b