"Christians" of today

 I have now reached a point in my life where I simply cannot any longer deal with the radical, idealistic and Christian fanatics of today. Honestly Susan, we are tired of hearing how we live in the end times. We are tired of listening to your incessant sulking, your fear generating propaganda and your close mindedness, you are the one who needs Jesus.

I have a problem with the charismatic churches of today and I'm speaking from experience as I grew up in one. The pastors in these churches  have a unique and special way of conjuring up emotions amongst people and then using these sentiments, and the way people feel to their own advantage. They know that the people would now believe their doctrine because they are more susceptible to it being in such a low emotional state. These pastors are mindfully aware of which buttons to press and how to lasso the members of congregation into blindly following and accepting the his/her point of view regarding the interpretation of the specific bible verse. The result is that these people end up believing what's being imparted to them based on the opinion, experience and interpretation of the pastor, and they never question anything.

They believe that the pastor is educated in the word of God, and that his/her eyes are focussed on current events that allude to the end times. Nicolas Iglesias said that a religious leader has a relationship of power where the truth that they transmit is on that, be it about political or moral decision, is delivered from a position of ascendency. When a leader has truth that is immutable, it is truth that is unquestionable because it is endorsed by a deity or is word send by God.

These charismatic pastors are clever as they know their audience all too well. Their sermons and teachings are backed up by researched articles supporting their arguments. These articles were found on Christian conspiracy websites by fanatics and evangelicals who know exactly which topics will create controversy with in the Christian community. The charismatic pastor then bases his/her teachings on these papers and feel confident enough to not substantiate what they're saying. They are clever because they know when they support their arguments with "researched" papers the congregation, which generally consists of older people, will not question the authenticity of their teachings because when these when these older people hear the word internet they believe it to be true. Their children unfortunately grow up in homes where they too are subjected to the cruel dogma of not questioning the pastor or the church.

The congregation believes that what the pastor says is in line with the word of God and never are the words that are being spewed or regurgitated out of his/her mouth questioned. They are never open to discuss different concepts with an open mind because it threatens their foundation in life. This is all part of these types of churches and denominations' religious beliefs because they are complacent with the idea of being sheep. They are used to sitting in church and listening to sermons and messages that throw out verses left, right and center that have no historical references, and they also don't want to get involved by educating themselves about the nuances of a specific Bible verse, and its multiple interpretations.

These pastors are the precise versions of that which they preach against. False prophets and masters of false indoctrination. Jesus said, "Not everyone who says unto me, "Lord, Lord" will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day, may will say to me, "Lord Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?" And then I will declare to them, "I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness" (Matthew 7:21-23)

The sobering reality is that not everyone who calls themselves a Christian is in fact one. Just because someone claims to be a disciple of Jesus Christ and follow Him does not necessarily mean that Jesus would claim them as His own. Jesus warns us against those Christians who deceives us into thinking they are true Christians when they are not.

He goes on to describe these "Christians"as doing mighty external works, including prophesying like we see happening in the year 2020. Pastor after pastor comes forward with a new conspiracy theory each day. 

After doing some research regarding Christianity and Trump (which I found laughable to even put those two names in my search bar) I came across information provided in the following link:


In short it describes the Church of QAnon and how their followers believe in wild and dangerous conspiracy theories about U.S (ex President :D) Donald Trump. A faction within the movement has been interpreting the Bible through QAnon conspiracies and how these conspiracies are reinterpreted through the bible and fed to the community of the neo charismatic movement.

Qanon followers believe global elites are seeking to bring Trump down, whom they see as the world's only hope to defeat the "deep state"

I have been hearing from members of my own family how I've swayed from the path of righteousness and that just because I have a difference of opinion. I hear how I am blinded by what the world wants me to see, yet they don't see how blinded they are by their own ignorance. I get asked by them, "Why are you so scraed? Why do you react the way you do. Fear comes from the devil". But what they don't realize is that they are the ones who are scared. They are scared of change. They are scared of the unknown and that's why they feed of and into these narratives.

Stop believing every voice note, video or text you receive on social media. Do your own research and make your own conclusions. Don't let them evoke fear into you with their conspiracies and false prophesies. 

It's called GOOGLE 


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